Monday, February 14, 2011

Book #2 - Whip It - Shauna Cross

Yup , same book as the movie, but the movie was based on the book that was actually called Derby Girl before the movie, which is a much better title.


So, Derby Girl. I initially picked this book up at a thrift store for a friend that loves roller derby. I thought it might be fun for her to read and then wound up reading it myself. It is a pretty cute book. Fun feel good story, in a rebellious kind of way. It is based in Texas and talks of things that are distinctively Texan - BBQ, Blue Bell Ice cream, UT Austin and Beauty Pageants. I think it is supposed to be young adult, but it does have some adult subject matter. Super easy read.

I have not watched the movie yet. We do have it recorded on the DVR, but I wanted to finish the book first. I'm done! Gonna pass it along, now.

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