Friday, January 29, 2010

First book, does it count?

Blah, this one doesn't really count, I started it, then skimmed it, and didn't actually read the whole thing.

Shop, Save, Share by Ellie Kay

It was kinda out of date. Published in 1998. It is basically a book about using coupons, but it is written pretty much pre-cyberspace and doesn't include the many resources that are available online. It was kinda cute/funny in parts in a hokey sort of way, but there was no new information for me. I should have known better anyway, I've read enough of these types of books already.

I'm not counting this one, that would be cheating. I have to actually read the whole book.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

50 Books

I have a plan for this year, after seeing it on on someone else's blog. I can't claim credit for it being my original idea. But, it's not some earth shattering revelation at any rate.

I love to read and I have never really paid attention to how much I read. Well, this year I am going to track my reading. I would like to read 50 books this year. I have know idea if I can do that. I think that I would read that many, easy. Maybe not. If I am really motivated by a particularly good book, I am going to try to do a mini review. At the very least I am going to try and blog my progress.We'll see how it goes. On your mark, get set, go......

My New Blog

Ok, so I decided that simply living is a joke in my world. So, poof, new blog. Not that I was strictly limited to blogging about coupons before, but now I feel like I can put down whatever content I want. Besides, I'm so sorry that I don't want to be pigeon holed into the extreme right of the world with the rest of the frugalista stay at home, home schooling Mommys out there. Call me crazy.

I am going to copy and paste one of the last posts from my old blog. And that is where this begins.....