things accomplished...
completed 12 credit hours towards my degree
managed to actually read a couple books that were not textbooks
meat free for 9 months (more on that)
lost 10 pounds
kept off 10 pounds
was able to go home to Canada
paid off a long standing credit card
regular consistent exercise
things to aim for...
break some bad habits, one pertaining to procrastination and another to attitude and another to just letting go of things - karma karma karma, is going to bite me in the ass if I don't!
complete at least another 12, but aiming for 18 credit hours towards my degree
remaining meat free - had a stumble at the beginning of December when I was having issues with my hair falling out - not good!!! but, hubby is also going meat free with me and this will lend itself to a much more well rounded diet, he's done it before, but its been a while, I'm going to stay on top of my omega3 supplements, too and see if that helps
be better about staying in contact with family and friends, I have a tendency to not do this and then wonder why things go on without me, I am not allowed to have hurt feelings if I don't initiate sometimes
this will be a year of personal improvement, I hope...
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