Ugh, this poor blog has turned into a giant gripe session. Bitch bitch bitch!!!! Oh well, I will just go with it and be done. Then perhaps I can focus on something more positive. This negative stuff is a downer and probably bad karma and will come back to bite me in the ass someday. I shouldn't judge what I do not know, nothing is ever how it appears on the surface.
that being said....
I would like to be a high maintenance princess for just one day. What would it be like to do what ever I wanted, get my own way every time, have people dance to my tune for a change, say "I don't have to do that, why, because I'm me, that's why", be all "look at me, look at me, look at me", start every sentence with "I" and end it with "me".
that being said again...
I hope that I do enough self-reflection that I would know if I was like this. I think some people do not know that they are like this at all. It makes me think back to the old "When Harry Met Sally Movie" and when Harry tells Sally that she is the worst kind of high maintenance, the type that thinks she is low maintenance, but is really extremely high maintenance.
Self-reflection is the key, I think. I know some people that are awfully self-absorbed and they know it and are proud of it. Yuck!! And I also know some that just think they are pretty smart and like to share that, ALOT, yuck again!! (although, this is the category that I am afraid I may fall into sometimes, I hope not too often, because it is really annoying) Or the people that just cry, until they get ther own way.
I don't want to operate that way at all, but I would like one day of it, just to see what it is like, then go back to my old self.
I bet it's not as good as I think it would. the grass is alwways greener, right?