I finished a sample mitten. It initially was not supposed to be a sample, but I messed up the gauge, so will go back to the drawing board.
I started it out on a round needle, but when I started the decreases it got too small, so I switched over to 4 double points. I should have known better, but the double points were a 1/2 size larger than the rounds. That really messed up the gauge. I wound up with a Twilight oven mitt.
Oh well, live and learn. The pattern is quite nice. I love the horseshoe cable. I took the pictures with some shadowing to show off the cables.
I have already started again, this time on 4 double points from the beginning and messing with the gauge again. Silly me!! I chose needles a 1/2 size smaller than recommended, so I have a much tighter knit and hopefully fit. I am hoping that they are not so much like gauntlets when the are finished this go around.

Ha! I didn't realize until now that there is a kitty cat paw and a doggie in the picture. Smile critters!!