I scored the coolest lot of vintage knitting patterns off E-bay the other day and they arrived in the mail today. The oldest is dated 1956 and they look like they range from the 50's to the early 80's. I snapped a few shots with my iPhone to show them off.

These are the oldest of the lot. The center coloured booklet are the mid 50's patterns.

This is from that booklet. It doesn't show very well, but if you look closely at the gentleman on the right you will notice that he is smoking in the picture.
A couple of the women's sweaters from the same booklet. Below are from a different booklet and if I was to guess, look to be late 60's or early 70's. I am totally in love with the black sweater with the daisies and matching headband!!
There is one booklet that is all socks and slippers and another that is all mittens, but done with a two needle technique. Lots of baby layettes and one Woman's Day knitting magazine from 1976. They are all in really good shape. A little musty, but livable. They were worth it just to look at the pictures. There are several patterns that I do seriously want to look at, though.
Yay, totally COOL BEANS!!
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