Since I am on a beverage kick, I must talk about another favorite hot beverage of mine. Chai tea. Not the Chai Tea Latte type from Barstucks, although I won't turn it down if offered, but the real deal, preferably from an Indian restaurant or made by some one's Grandmother. (should I ever be so lucky)
I do make my own, which I don't think is too shabby, if I do say so myself. I would rather it be served to me, but as my Beloved does tell me on occasion..."people in hell want ice water".
Anyway, I digress. On to the recipe, such that it is. I don't remember where I found it, I think either in Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray, some time ago.
Black loose tea
Fresh ginger
Cardamon pods
Hot water
Sugar or honey to sweeten
Peel and chop about a tablespoon of fresh ginger and crush about 6 cardamon pods. Throw them in a pot with about 2 cups of water. Boil water on the stove, add milk once the water boils. I do a 50/50 ratio. Throw in 2 or 3 teaspoons of loose tea. (I get my loose tea from an Indian import grocery store.) Turn off the heat and let steep. Don't forget to turn off the burner or it will boil over and make a huge nasty mess. I let it steep for about five minutes and then fill up the cups running the tea through a fine mesh strainer. Add sugar or honey to sweeten and there you go. Chai tea. It is not so sweet as the store bought variety and less "milky". I think has really nice flavor. It doesn't taste as good as Chaat Express, but close, without driving to Plano.
It's a good thing. Ha!!
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