Ever been in Dallas in high summer? This has got to be the tenth circle of Hell. (for many reasons)
It is too hot for humans. When I go to my car and the thermometer reads 111F sitting in the driveway that tells me that this is a bad, bad place to live. The worst of it is this will last for 6 months.
exaggeration, but triple digit temperatures can last for 3 months. It could be like this until October.
It used to snow in October where I grew up.
Which leads me to the big question?? Why on earth do we live here?? The easy answer to that is that the big boy is in school here and his Dad lives here. The good new is that he is starting grade 8, which means 5 more years and he is done.
This makes me think that it is time to start a five year plan to get the hell out of Dodge. We have no particular ties here, besides a few family that we rarely see and our house. I am a nurse, Hubby is a teacher/writer, we have portable jobs. Little boy will be young enough that it won't matter if we move. I should be done with university in 5 years.
Nuff said...
I want to live somewhere where I can actually do things outside and enjoy being outdoors. I like 4 seasons. I hate air conditioning. I like snow and snow activities. I also miss my family and friends. My parents are not young any more. I have 3
nieces that I do not really know. I am lucky if I see them once a year. I want to have a basement, again. Hubby has friends up north that he would love to see
regularly. There are a lot of reasons to go north.
waa, I hear the world's smallest violin playing a song, just for me....
Hubby and I really need to think seriously about this. He wants to go, too. We just have to decide if we really want to make it happen or stay in the 10
th circle.