Thursday, November 4, 2010

Raindrops on roses and Vampire mittens....

These are a few of my favorite things...... la la la....

Ok, seriously, I have two sets of Bella's Twilight mittens to show off. One for myself and one for my eight year old niece, who is very into Twilight. (Don't ask me, talk to my brother!)

The adult size are worked in a tweedy chunky wool blend, it's Paton's of some sort. I don't remember the exact yarn, now. For Jesse's little Bella mittens I re-worked the pattern a bit. I dropped of one row of cables, but otherwise followed the pattern. I used smaller needles and a worsted weight yarn. Again, it is a Paton's brand (I am quite loyal to Paton's, it's a Canadian thing) wool blend. It's very soft and not itchy. I didn't want to traumatize my niece by making her the worlds coolest, yet most uncomfortable mittens.

In the movie the mittens are a kind of steel grey. I choose a more grey blue for both pairs. I have a request for one more pair, which I will be starting soon. Gotta get 'em done. It's finally cold in Texas and our mitten wearing season is limited.

Here is a clip from the movie featuring said mittens. I do have the link to the pattern in a previous post about the Twilight mittens. Now that I have a grateful recipient, I will be doing a bit more Twilight knitting. At the very least a hat to match and there is a really nice scarf that Bella wore in the baseball game scene. At least Jesse lives in Canada were it is cold and will actually get to use them.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Stick a fork in my eye, I'm done!!!

Whew, just turned in the midterm from hell.

Just a crazy thought, but what insane sadist creates an online midterm of 11 essay questions that requires 8 hours......yes, 8!!!! hours to complete.

Am I in grad school...... Am I working on my PhD..... Post Doctoral work, perhaps....

NOPE!!!!! Freshman American history - Columbus to the Civil War.

But I did it. I turned it in yesterday, a day before the due date.

Stick a fork in my eye, I'm done!!!!!!!!!

(I better get freakin' good marks!!!)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lordy, lordy, look who's forty....

Never has a birthday bothered me. I usually just roll with. No biggee, no worries. I'm not a big birthday person anyway. No "Birthday Week or Month" for me.

Ya, turning forty, not so much. I don't like it. I don't want to be forty. I feel like forty is halfway to dead and I have not even begun to do what all I want to do.

But, realistically...... I have a great little family, the bestest hubby and two gorgeous boys. I own my own house. (even if it is kind of messy sometimes) My job is a good one and I make a difference and help people every day. (at least I like to think that I do) I am finally finishing my degree. (if it kills me!!!!)

I read, and cook and sew and knit and that makes me happy. (when I find the time to do it)

Ok, so what's a few grey hairs and wrinkles. (the bags under my eyes are not up for discussion) So what if I can't wear the jeans I wore 10 years ago. (they are not in style anyway) I know I'm too old for Uggs. (but I still wear them)

I refuse to feel sorry for myself. (at least I'm not forty-nine, like my brother, then we'll talk)....

PS: Thanks to all whose warm fuzzies made my birthday a little brighter.